16 October 1816
adams-john10 Neal Millikan American Revolution

16. VI:15. My wife went to London with Ellen Nicholas to look out for a house. I lost some time 我把我的《og体育平台》抄写了一遍,现在我已经不像以前那样喜欢它了 yesterday. Could I have chosen my own Genius and Condition I should have 使自己成为一名伟大的诗人——事实上,我把生命的大部分时间浪费在 writing verses; spell-bound in the circle of mediocrity. In my walk this 一天,我努力找出一个主题,然后着手进行调查 work of Patience and Perseverance; but in vain— My time was utterly lost— Mr John Reeves called and paid me a visit. I promised to call upon him, and apologized to him for not having done it before.— I explained to him, what I meant, on board the Lord Mayor’s Barge by the different principles on the doctrine 忠诚,这会导致和他不同的结论. I shewed him the passage in his pamphlet p. 27. of virulent abuse against the United States, and told him I had three objections to it. 1. That it 在事实上是不正确的-它指控美国犯有 不一致本不属于他们,而是归咎于他们 错误的前提,不良的动机2、这不是好的品味 incongruous with the rest of the book; which was cool, moderate and argumentative— That passage alone was angry and intemperate. 3. It 使我们不能冷静而友好地讨论这一原则 它显示了一种脾气,它一定是无用的,也可能是无用的 在这个问题上进行推理是不安全的——他当然不喜欢这些 remarks; and was aukward and ungracious in his attempts to parry them— At first he said Oh! that’s only my mobbing of the pamphleteer. It is 而不是对美国政府的攻击-如果你读这篇文章 仔细一看,你会发现是这样的——我没有让他得到这个好处 我告诉他我读过那一段,还有他的整本小册子 我可以向他保证,这是一次非常尖锐的攻击 the policy of the United States— Mr Hay’s pamphlet with which I 也很熟悉的人不会证实他的这些指控吗.—and 我说,在你的下一版作品中,我希望你能把它删掉 that passage.— But said he, if all the rest is cool and moderate, and 合乎逻辑,除了那半页以外,我还会来的 well off. Ay, but said I, that is precisely the point which we should have to discuss; so that the temperance of all the rest is of no avail— 至于你的原则本身,我说,你承认你有过 your authorities against you—Woodeson, and Gwyllim in his Edition of Bacon’s Abridgement—“All Nonsense,[”] said he— The Lawyers all talk nonsense as well as others— But let it come to 西敏寺大厅——在那儿不会持续五分钟——我对此表示怀疑 威斯敏斯特大厅的法官们会完全同意他的意见,并告诉他 him of the case of Crosby of New-York, whose Estate had escheated in the Island of 牙买加,然后授予远方的抵押品——他没有准备好回答 for this. I asked him where he got his principle. He appeared to me to have drawn it altogether from Lord Coke’s report of Calvin’s case. But what analogy could there be between 苏格兰国王登上英格兰王位的后果 以及北美人民所经历的革命 separated from the British Empire?— He said he did not want Calvin’s case at all. He took his principle from the definition of the term 异形,在所有的书中——“一个出于对国王的忠诚而出生的人。.”— I 问他是否认为汉诺威人是英国臣民——有资格 英国人的权利和特权——起初他说可能 这是一个问题——但后来他说不——因为国王是至高无上的 汉诺威国王的另一个头衔,而不是英格兰国王——我告诉过他 普通法是在英国拥有殖民地之前制定的——什么都没有 像是殖民地-他说法国有各省-他说过 女士们在门口等他,这缩短了我们的谈话时间——他 他要我哪天去和他一起吃饭——他总是吃饭,不在家 those newfangled hours; but at four O’clock; he drank tea at half past five; and at six was seated at his books; to put down these 当他走到门口一半的时候,他又醒了过来 祝贺我的朋友市长阁下再次当选 大臣们没有到他那儿去,他说,我就是这么告诉他的 dinner. The way for you, said I, is to be the best Magistrate that the 这就是他们重新选择他的原因——政治 他也经常谈起他的好运 of Lord Exmouth— He had finished 一场战争,在一天之内——他完全成功了——目标 was the abolition of Christian Slavery in Africa—and now it was 吃完了,大家都站在他一边——再没有比这更幸运的了 On this article I fully agreed with Mr 里夫斯,但我以为他会把上帝的功劳归于自己 埃克斯茅斯的成功,就像他自己认为的,是连任 of the Lord Mayor— I do see the bottom of this Justice Shallow. Mr Reeves is a lawyer, of a contracted 88understanding, active industry and stubborn temper; always a useful instrument in the hands of the Government, but 有时因为他的固执而烦恼,又觉得自己很重要 因为他想象自己是宇宙的主要源泉 他的信条是,在革命前出生的美国人不是 外星人在英国是狡猾的,因为它是荒谬的-荒谬是在 pretended common Law principle of unalienable allegiance; but the craft is his own. He knows that by pushing the Tory principle to its 结果,他一边奉承情欲,一边偏见,又屈辱 政府和人民的虚荣心,他们会特别注意的 不得实际操作,除非它适合 themselves; and that they will take all the advantage of his argument when it operates in their favour. This pamphlet indeed displaced him from the alien Office; but the Government have always good hold of him and he of them. I told him that the charge he had brought against us of 引诱外国人放弃他们的忠诚,可能会受到更大的反对 forcibly upon his own doctrine; but he said he only reasoned from the 法律的现状——他没有提出新的学说——他只是坚持旧的 确立了英国法律的准则——女士们从 London before six. The Evening was fine— I finished reading the Chances; and began the Road to Ruin.— Received a Letter from J. A. Smith, asking for a paper; and one from W. and J. Brown at Liverpool; complaining of extra Tonnage duties for Light-Money and Pilotage still levied upon American Vessels. 从我的窗口和艾伦·尼古拉斯一起看星星 Garden.